Thursday, April 30, 2009

Distraction Much!

I drag myself out of bed and make sure the kids are up. Tommie is up but Michael is not, I gently shake him and say "Time to get up for school". I get his clothes ready and lay them on his bed. "Come on" I urge. Going back into my bedroom I begin to throw on my gym clothes. "Now, where is that pink tank" I begin to fold clothes from the laundry basket on the floor. "Ah there it is" the match to the sock I am wearing on my left foot. The phone rings, could I please pick up an additional kid at the bus stop today? I am back down the hall, topless of course "Did Michael get out of bed yet? Michael get up!" Back to my room, while putting up my hair, "oh yeah, pink tank" and I pull it out of the half full laundry basket. "Whew! I haven't even gotten downstairs yet!" And so it goes...I wonder if housewives in the 1950's were able to complete a task... get the kids breakfast, dressed and out the door for school, folding laundry, doing the dishes and such without being distracted by a dozen other things. I wonder if I am completely mistaken in assuming that 50 or 60 years ago, things were much simpler.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Self Sufficiency

We are but a mere a week or so away from starting our latest project. A garden. Yes, another thing to add to the daily task list. And it has been quite the investment due to the fact that we have started by flooring the selected area with a chicken wire and a gopher proof railroad tie base, next we are going to cement 4 X 4 posts and and surround it with a 9 foot deer proof fence. Fort Knox would be jealous!