Thursday, January 14, 2010

Goal Setting

Good grief, where does the time go? 2010 resolutions- 1. Try posting a blog update more often than every 2 months although since Tracy is the only one who reads it may be I should just call her on the phone and let her know what's new. 2. Spend more quality time with the kids. So what if they'd rather play their Nintendo game, force the issue and make them like it! 3. Figure out what to do with my life. Should I know what I want to be when I grow up yet? Is there a job out there that I can like what I do, work minimal hours and make maximum money? I need to find that job. 4. Clean house, after all Superbowl is coming up again and I need to get the dog hair out of the corners so people don't see how we really live. 5. Get some sleep. Maybe then I wouldn't be so ornery. No, then I'll just be well rested and grumpy. 6. Break all my resolutions and try again next year.