Monday, May 25, 2009

The Reason I Drink

Michael was picking up his cars off the family room table on Friday, cars that he had played with outside in the sand. As he picked the cars up they were leaving a pile of dirt behind. I told him he needed to clean that up. He said "you should clean it up, you're the maid". To which I promptly retaliated "I am not the maid!". And quite calmly he replied "'re like a maid". Anyone reading this now is cringing as they imagine the scene unfolding before them. And the possibilities were endless, stringing him up just by his toes, washing out his mouth with a whole bottle of Soft Soap, making him sleep with the chickens in the coop, forcing to him scrub the entire house with only a toothbrush and a lintroller...but I reminded myself, I asked for this...bundle of joy, and now I have it. So off to his room he went for an early night while I played games with Tommie.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grand to be Great!

I'm about to become a Great Aunt. It's hard to imagine really, I feel... oh, I don't know about 25ish. And truth be told I don't really think I'm that great at anything. I'm a fairly decent wife, although I have my moments, I'm a good Mom but there again I have my melt downs. I know my way around the kitchen but I go through phases of really not wanting to cook at all. And I'd like to think I'm a respectable mortgage broker. But there it is, I get to be great at something, and not just once, oh no...3 times this year. Wow, I am so lucky! What will it be like, hopefully many years from now, when I get to be Grand?

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Sock Anomaly

Everyone knows the washer and dryer eat perfectly innocent, unsuspecting socks. White, black, pink, red, green ones, they have no preference. The anomaly occurs when I get fed up with the basket full of mismatched socks and decide that these poor lonely items are never going to find their mate again and toss them out. This is inevitably the time the washer and dryer then chose to give back to the community and return some of the mismatches. Is this part of some plot to make housework the first step to insanity? I think the washer and dryer is in cahoots with the dishwasher that leaves the film on all my glassware. It doesn't help that my daughter is going through a phase of wearing mismatched socks on purpose. Hey, this could work to my advantage I could just throw all the mismatched socks in her drawer and let her deal with it.