Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Civil War

I recently took a full time position. Doing something virtually new to me...foreign so to speak. I start in late March, I am hoping for the 22nd. This has pros like...getting a steady paycheck, having insurance, not staring at my floor knowing it needs vacuuming at two in the afternoon and cons like...not being here when the kids are done with school, losing out on my Tuesday morning golf league and dealing with office politics and drama. Perhaps though, the biggest con is the fact that I will not be able to blog at 2am without serious drawbacks and my 5 times a week at the gym at 8:45 am will now have to be at 5:45 am. Yes, I did say 5:45, this is where the civil war has occurred. Anyone can tell you I am NOT a morning person. I would rather walk across hot coals on my way to the dentist, carrying a half dozen porcupines on my back than get up before the get the picture. In preparation for this, my body has gone into rebellion. I fall asleep at horrible hours, I can't get up and I am sleepy half way through the day. I keep thinking to myself, I should start getting up earlier and gradually work my way into this. But take last night for example, I actually went to bed around 10:30. When 7:30 rolled around I pulled the covers over my head and by 2:00 this afternoon I was ready for a nap! Seriously!

1 comment:

tracy said...

Hey, where are you going to work? That will be quite a change, but it will smooth out once everything smooths out in time.

Girl, with the time changes and such, you definitely need some all natural XYNG!!! I will have my shipment here in about a week and I will give you some to enjoy. Trust me, you WILL enjoy it!