Friday, July 30, 2010


Given my history, you might actually think this post has nothing to do with Twinkies, but ah ha! I got you, IT IS about the all-American, sweet cream filled, moist golden, could sit in the west desert for a year and not go bad because it's so filled with scary preservatives that I can't even pronounce them, snack. Twinkies in itself is such a funny word that there was nothing else to call this particular post. I have a joke with a good friend of mine who is sadly moving away to California...about yes, Twinkies. And of course there is nothing better to send a friend away with than good memories. So I as I stood dutifully in the store to buy Twinkies it occurred to me that I had no idea where to look for them. It was then that I realized, I've never bought a box of Twinkies in my life. Really, never? Really, never. I bought 3. Two for a Twinkie dessert which I have lovingly named Redneck Delight (just add fried chicken, instant mashed potatoes and gravy from a jar) and one for my friend to take on the road. I think that I have fulfilled my quota for Twinkie purchases for the rest of my life.


LordxRaven said...

And you never asked me, if I will try a all American Twinkie. Or is it that in Utah Twinkies aren't allowed like other stuff you can have fun with?

tracy said...

Twinkies were a staple fixture in our cupboard when I was a kid. Then someone decided to dip them in chocolates and the "Chocodiles" were born. Now they deep fry them at state fairs. "What more could be done to the lowly Twinkie?", I asked myself. You have just satisfied the answer to my question with the Redneck Dessert. :)